Distilling process

Harvesting (picking and collecting)

At beginning,

Collecting the plums is mostly a family event, when the plums are ripe, the plum tree branches are shaken vigorously causing the plums to drop to the ground. These are collected, taken home, and put in various barrels, these days usually made of stainless steel. 

Before Distilling, In further fruit processing, the kernels are first removed, and care is taken to avoid accidental crushing of kernels. 



Thus obtained mushy mass of fruit are always a mixture during the allowed period of fermentation. 

Fermentation is natural and continues usually lasting about 40 days, producing a heady rich mash of fermented plum fruits. 

After a checking fermentation process, (temperature, humidity, and percentage of alcohol), the fermented plum mash is ready for distillation.



The next stage is to take the mash to our distillery line.

Our Distillery applies at least double distillation and traditionally the heating is done using wood, (forest waste). 

After the distillation process, the result is colorless pure alcohol with plum fruit aroma, which is usually finely adjusted by distilled watered down to give an alcohol content of around 43 up to 45%. 

This percentage of alcohol is quite suitable and enough for the period of ”sleeping”. The ”sleeping” means the natural maturation of pure distilled alcohol.

During the distilling season, our distillery runs a non-stop operation for almost 24 hours a day, and we have trailers full of barrels lined up.

A good mash will give around 10% of its volume in the finished spirit – a perfectly pure, healthy spirit, with a distinct plum aroma, which domestic people quite use as natural medicine at home and as well as being an extremely potent alcoholic drink. 


Period of ‘Sleeping’

After the completion of the distilling process, we leave alcohol liquid in oak or mulberry barrels. 

We keep Rakija in wooden barrels for an extra aroma and a golden color. After the period of ”sleeping”, we finally get the Green FoxTM Rakija, unique and famous. 

The ”sleeping” period of time, provides us with splendid aroma with excellent natural colors and optimally strong brandy. Optimally strong to offer nice and traditional pleasure. The final products have 43 % of excellent Rakija.

All quantities are made 100% from plum fruits


5 Years OLD

After a period of 5 years in wooden barrels combined together with technological procedures after-distilling, all rakija are automatically bottled in a special Bottling Automatic System Facilities, (BASF) to keep the aroma and natural spirits of Rakija. 

The Green FoxTM Rakija was born.

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